URBN VINO DUNEDIN is looking for a partner to help grow the business.
I've been running URBN VINO DUNEDIN since 2016, an urban winery in Dunedin city producing wines from Central Otago. It has a fully equipped winery and great cellar door location in a redeveloped heritage building. The business has a distinctive wine label, a local trade and retail customer base and an experienced sales and distribution partner based in Wellington. I am a winemaker with a number of years of experience, both in Central Otago and around the world. Two Pinot Noirs I produced (all by hand) prior to establishing URBN VINO have just collected awards at the London International Wine and Spirit Challenge (95 Points/Gold and 94 Points/Silver). But after three years I need more time, skills and capital to help grow and diversify the business as I focus on the winemaking side of the expansion. So this could be an opportunity for someone with a tourism or hospitality background looking to leverage off the fantastic winery/cellar door space, or for someone with an imaginative sales and marketing background to get involved in the wine industry. I am also interested in talking to people already in the industry, such as a new, quality-focused vineyard wanting to connect with someone who already has a route to market, or an existing winery looking to diversify their offering. The business is at an exciting point where it has many potential opportunities for growth which can be driven by the skills of the people involved. I am keen to chat to anyone with enthusiasm, imagination and a serious interest in contributing to the project. Drop me an email or give me a call. |